Recent Articles (details at Google Scholar):
Ongoing Patent*/Research:
An algorithm for composite proxy variable to predict business decisions with limited information.
*An experimental framework on consumer valuation of and attitudes towards experience good under group friendliness and happiness.
Self-rated and social determinants of health spending attitudes in the United States.
Selected Book Chapters:
State of the Bangladesh Economy in FY2012-13 and Outlook for FY2013-14, 2014, Dhaka: CPD.
State of the Bangladesh Economy in FY2010-11 and Outlook for FY2011-12, 2012. Dhaka: CPD.
State of the Bangladesh Economy in FY2009-10 and Outlook for FY2010-11, 2011 Dhaka: CPD.
State of the Bangladesh Economy in FY2008-09 and Outlook for FY2009-10, 2010, Dhaka: CPD.
Recent Abstracts:
Selected Codes (details at GitHub and Harvard Dataverse):
Selected Presentations:
Expected cost savings of early adoption of conservation strategies in the US: A decision-making analysis, ESA & CSEE Joint Meeting, Montreal, CAD, 2022.*
Beliefs, attitudes, norms, and environmental intention: Longitudinal evidence from the USA (with F. Tanin), Norms and Behavioral Change Workshop, University of Pennsylvania, PA, 2019.*
Behavioral strategies and residential water conservation: A meta-regression analysis of field experiments, Sustainability and Development Conference, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 2018.
Envious preferences in two-sided matching contract, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 2016.
Selected Op-Eds:
3 unusual sources for scientific inspiration, Elsevier Connect.
Determining true COVID-19 death counts: Why and how (in Bengali), Bonik Barta.
Bad policy or wrong priority: Why public health policy fails? The Business Standard.
Self-initiated Ph.D. research: Learning from and writing with a peer from a different major, Medium.
Facilitating strategic medical equipment production, Financial Express.
Philosophy about the Doctor of Philosophy, Behavioural and Social Sciences at Nature Research.
Behavioral interventions in public policy, Financial Express.
Prerequisites of investment decision at stock market, Financial Express.
Intensifying pre-crisis coping strategies, Financial Express.
© 2016-2025 Mazbahul Ahamad